Wednesday, March 7, 2012

35mm art pics

I've been getting back into art photography over the past year, after taking a decade or so off.  I now have a fleet of vintage cameras in 120 and 135 format (anything worth doing is worth overdoing, right?).  In some ways, shooting film has really helped me with digital photography.  I'm a lot more careful when I construct a scene - I look all around the image before pressing the shutter and try to edit out all of the little background distractions in the original composition.  

These were taken with a Soligor 45 and an Argus Matchmatic brick.  The Soli was my dad's camera and I love the hazy images and the rangefinder flattening.  All of the animals were shot with the Soli (I think I'm a farm animal whisperer), even the big plaster bull.  I'm still learning the quirks of the Argus, but the blurred house below (I think) is really haunting and beautiful.  The lighthouse pic was taken with the Argus and a roll of 45 year old completely dead film that someone chucked in the box with the Argus when I bought it on ebay.  Hooray for happy accidents.  :)

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