Sunday, September 23, 2012

Love, baby, and yoga. :)

So the maternity shoot I did this weekend turned into an amazing couples yoga shoot!  I am completely in awe of what the human body can do at 33 weeks pregnant!  I am so happy for these two lovebirds to welcome a baby girl or boy into their lives.  Can't wait to take some family yoga pics once baby arrives!  CONGRATS!

Friday, September 14, 2012

The land of milk and honey...or rather milk and ice cream. :)

We spent the last few weekends driving around rural south Georgia and finally made it all the way over to Dothan, Alabama.  Fun facts: Newton, GA had a population of 851 at the 2000 census. The courthouse is this huge and beautiful red brick building from the early 20th c that is pretty incongruent with what seems like a tiny town full of abandoned businesses and damaged homes.  Apparently, once upon a time Newton was once a thriving little town, but it's been hit by a series of natural disasters as it sits in a flood plane and is prone to tornadoes.  Re: the peanut in the bathtub - Something like a quarter of the US peanut production comes from the lower Alabama area and so there's a lot of peanut-themed art and marketing.  There was a sexy peanut in a half-shell statue too, but the third camera I brought (and old Agfa) wasn't working properly and so I lost the image.  

I still haven't figured out what these tags are all about.  They're on the side of an abandoned institutional/industrial building in Dothan.  The sign says Dothan Industries: Supporting the Host Family.  My thoughts are that this was maybe a school for wayward youth or some sort of jail diversion work camp.  The graffiti leads me to believe someone died here.  Perhaps at the hands of the police?  I can't find anything about the building on the internet.  But, it's certainly creepy, I'll give it that.  :)

Horsing around, in more ways than one!

Jared and I have been tootling around GA and Alabama for the past few weekends.  We've been having a lot of fun and getting silly with our inner children.  I am so grateful to have a partner who is kind, fun, and shares my interests!!  We met some animals on our travels too, including horses, a mean-spirited pony, and whole herd of goats who were totally in love with me until they realized I didn't have an apple.  :)

I shot with my dad's old Minolta X700 and the Recesky TLR that Jared built.  Double exposures are so much fun!