Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sandra, Zeke, and baby Charlotte!

Sandra, Zeke, and I went down to the gardens to get some maternity shots of baby Charlotte.  Her arrival is only five weeks away!  I love that these shots have a really filmy, vintage feel - even though I took them with the Nikon D7000.  Zeke's tie-dye was clearly inspirational!  And he was such a trooper for us, saying cheese over and over in the 90 degree morning heat!  Congrats to all!  Can't wait to hold baby Charlotte in my arms!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

One Million Bones National Day of Action

One Million Bones is an anti-genocide campaign that raises money and awareness through bone making. Schools, senior centers, boy scout troops, college students, and many others have participated all over Tallahassee. The project is partnered with Students Rebuild and CARE. For every bone made, $1 is donated. Jane McPherson is the Tallahassee organizer and when she started last summer, she pledged to have 3000 bones by the April day of action. She wound up with over 6500.

I met with Jane and about 60 others in Bloxham Park in downtown Tallahassee last weekend to help lay the bones down.  Some of the bones are artistic or anatomically correct, most are not.  In the end, they stretched over 100 feet. It was a beautiful, tragic, and visually arresting statement on genocide.

You can learn more about One Million Bones in Tallahassee here:

and here...

And about Students Rebuild here:

Students rebuild also blogged about the event and used a few of my photos!  Fun!

All images shot with Pentax 645, 120 film format.

Pentax 645, where have you been all my life?

Here's a sampler of pics I've been taking with a gorgeous (and mammoth) Pentax 645 that I bought from an elderly gentleman.  I love the precision of the glass and the quirkiness of 120 film.  This camera was a pro-quality wedding photographer camera in its day, and I feel for photographers of the time!  This camera is HEAVY.  But the images make it all worth while.