Saturday, July 30, 2011

Brothers and furbabies!

I had an awesome time with Eric, Chris, Bronte, and the kittens!  Chris rescued Bronte from the shelter a few weeks ago and the two have become fast friends.  His brother Eric became proud papa to those cute Siamese mix kittens after their first owner was overwhelmed by their energy.  Gotta tell you - I think these critters wound up in EXACTLY the right home!  I'm getting more skilled at photographing dogs, but squirmy energetic kittens are HILARIOUS!  We spent more time laughing than anything, I think!  Thanks boys!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Nicole & Valerie bestie grad pics!

I met with Nicole & Valerie for a fast and fun photo shoot in between rain bands.  I'm glad Nicole encouraged me to risk the weather -  the pics came out beautifully!  Congrats to these two beautiful women for completing the Masters Degree in Art Therapy!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Lovely Lexi

I met with Alex to take some headshots for her burgeoning model/acting career.  While I don't think we achieved the perfect headshot (be on the look out for take 2 coming soon), I think we captured some beautiful portraits.  This was an amazing learning experience for both of us and I think next time, we'll nail it!  :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Christine & Brooks!

 This morning I met with Christine and Brooks, a rescue Shepherd mix who recently graduated her training as a therapy dog.  Brooks is a great listener and is super sweet, but we found out this morning that she's still a playful puppy at heart!  She took a detour from one location to jump in the pond and chase some frogs!  Too cute!  Congrats Christine and Brooks!


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tiffany, Mark, and baby Bryson ... (Take 2)!

I met with Tiffany, Mark, and baby Bryson for a take 2 maternity shoot.  This time, we met at 7:30am to avoid the heat (haha! it was 95 degrees!) and the thunder.  Unlike our last shoot, there were no horseflies or gale force winds and no acts of mayhem to deal with.  These two laughed and had a great time in spite of the summer heat and I'm thrilled to have captured some beautiful moments.  Thank you!! :)

Monday, July 4, 2011

Emily yoga extravaganza!

This was my best photo shoot yet!  I have a feeling Emily's amazing yoga prowess had something to do with it!  Such a great time!!